
03 November 2016

Danielle Schenandoah nailed home the points in her article below on current events in Standing Rock.

President Obama said they are monitoring this situation with Trans Pacific Partners Dakota Access Pipeline "going to let it play out several more weeks" , "both sides should show restraint so nobody gets hurt". Many Native American women, men and their friends have already been hurt on 10/27/16 by the brutal police raid with the Army National guards and several other police from surrounding states. This action by order of ND Governor who has financial stake in TPP has allowed Dakota Access Pipeline to expedite near to completion of the pipeline while Morton County has raked in $1,500.00 bail per arrest, of the 400 arrested most facing felony charges for non-violent civil disobedience. The state of ND now obtain more loans to continue the mass police state and there is no acknowledgement of the serious constitutional, civil, human and religious rights violations taking place. Where is the Reverend Jessie Jackson now since his one day stop at the Standing Rock Sioux day before the beatings, pepper spray, taser, sound canon used upon the peaceful water protectors.The mainstream media has not shown much coverage of this situation but journalist like Amy Goodman of Democracy Now and other independent media arrested for trying to let the public know. Its been reported Donald Trump has financial ties to TPP and lame response from Hillary Clinton on Dakota Access Pipeline is now transparent as on the fence Obama pushes for Hillary presidential campaign. Realist like Jill Stein and Bernie Sanders support the Standing Rock Sioux to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline and the current pipeline explosion in Alabama should be a piercing awakening for America as they head to vote. Corporate puppet money mongers like Clinton & Trump continuance of pipeline's destroying America's soil and water or is America ready to play catch up switching to renewable energy creating tons of long term employment here in America? The Dakota Access Pipeline will be pumping oil under the Missouri River also the largest water aquifer in North America. When this pipeline leaks within minutes it will poison millions of Americans so this Dakota Access Pipeline will effect more than just Native American Indians standing up in North Dakota. The dependency on water outweighs the need for the fossil fuel repetitive poisoning industry or use for corporate whores. Bringing democracy to other countries when we don't have democracy here in America. I am Indigenous to North America, this is my home if race is ever an issue. I used to have sympathy because the United States education system to this day refers to North American Indians in the past tense but we are not a conquered people, we are very much still alive and living within our homelands. From the beginning the natives educated our European visitors how to plant corn and survive upon our homelands. The fairytale thanksgiving is coming up soon for those who need reminders that there are indigenous people of this land. With all the laws against discrimination here in America I think it's wrong for the American people to sit idle and allow more inhumane treatment of its indigenous people. Ensuring private corporations and its investors to make money to poison your water and soil too! I come from a long bloodline of spiritually awake people who have survived and always been proud of our cultural identity. It's sickening asking the United States to be honorable since they continue to violate most if not all treaties made to ensure we all can live in peace. But is disgusting to see the US Government allow the "rest in peace" death sentence by selling off what little land the indigenous people have left to private corporations for minerals & natural resources extractions. Total disregard to native people as the veteran navajo code talkers and other native military who helped fight for this country. What is taught today in society, turn a blind eye if someone is being hurt or witness a crime such as rape you should not engage even though you know it's wrong. If it were your daughter, mother, wife or sister being raped you would want someone to help stop it. What legacy are you leaving for your children and grandchildren? Desmond TuTu ; 'Silence is acceptance "!
Sincerely, Danielle Schenandoah
Haudenosaunee Oneida wolf clan upstate NY
#NoDAPL #NoPipelines #LoveWaterNotOil #IndigenousSolidarity #UpToUs #HumanRightsWatch #CIVILRIGHTSMOVEMENT #peopleoverprofit #idlenomore #riseup #blacklivesmatter #christianpeacekeepers #WorldWaterOne #FreeSpeech #civilrightsmovement #crimesagainsthumanity #NoSpectra #StandWithStandingRock #Unity #cannabishemp #marijuana #renewableenergy #solarpower #climatechange #solar #ActOnClimate #Go100Percent #ShellNo #DumpTrump #FeelTheBern #STOPTPP

30 October 2016

Laughter is the best medicine, and this morning one of our best comedians, Tito Ybarro has been arrested and his facebook profile with over 3000 followers has been shut down- when the oil companies goon squad has to jail comedians in attempts to dampen the everlasting prayerful spirit of thriving Lakota, one knows the Lakota and Ojibwe spirit has won. Genocidal mania is simply not funny, and not winning.  In other news, UN Chief John is sent to North Dakota to witness the racist persecution of the tiospaye in North Dakota.

27 October 2016

Today, I watch live news of Praying Grandmothers in tears surrounded by the National Guard, after the President Himself said no to this Pipeline. On Saturday, October 22nd, Elders and children were chased across the plains like in Genocidal onslaughts of just last generation. A crying child feared for his life as he was separated from his Grandparents and crying for his life, Lauren Howland, a young International Youth Council member stood near to protect him and took a beating from police batons that broke her arm before she was abole to get the 9 year old child safely to his nearby Grandparents. If the National Guard were to corral and chase Grandparents tearfully praying over holy water in our church, to separate the crying children from their loving Grandparents and beat and break our youth group leaders, International outcry would be instantaneous. 
There is an active Genocidal onslaught happening right now at Standing Rock Reservation on 1851 Treaty Land.  The UN has been notified. The DOJ has been involved. The President himself ordered this pipeline to stop, and yet the Governor has called in the National Guard against the Chain of Command. 

Across the Americas today Indigenous People are under attack for Oil Extraction, without being consulted. And Standing Rock runs on Solar power which harms no one. They are peaceful water protectors standing in prayer to prevent 18 million people from having the dirtiest form of tar sands oil leaked into the water source that provides life to 18 million settlers and natives alike. 

21 October 2016

Parenting update in times of endless war- 18 years ago, when time to start my own little family, I strategically picked a mate who was too young to be drafted to Vietnam and too old to be recruited to the 1990's chapter of endless war for oil that began before either of us were born with the overthrow of the Iranian democratically elected leader Mossadegh who nationalized his country's natural resource of middle eastern oil. He was soon dead of course, after first surviving an attempt on life by rising CIA bath- party saddam hussein, who cares, he got his in the end as a disposable war lord. To all the active duty soldiers who were once baby boys that I babysat- do not think for a moment that the US military Industrial complex considers you ever to be anything other than disposable.  They feed you MRE's for Christ's sake. I know, sometimes the miltary gives you skittles, and you can taste the fucking rainbow, and the commanding officer's in JROTC may have slipped you some whiskey or beer, don't get it twisted for a moment to think the US military values the piece of meat upon which they stick a dog-tag. We value you.  We welcome you home.  We want to chase away the tears and help you to sleep again at night and write away the nightmares. We care. Us old civilians. I see you, far away and feeling unheard, I am blinded by grief of followed through death threats on my home and loved ones. I see you at the funeral after your job of dropping off flags to the bereaved, breaking the news to the broken-hearted gold star parents.  Communication is not easy on the easiest of beach days. We exist for a reason, to one day to bury the written memories and walk again with lighter shoulders laughing in the sunlight, in our old traditional communities raising new generations.
I bought a 20 acre farm next door to my God-daughter Bella Fiona, as a big backyard to always be there, and upon which to build a full general practice family veteran's clinic for native soldiers and school to train youth empowerment project for young Indigenous women, the life-givers.
I was told it was not zoned for that, as it was agricultural land. Food is medicine, the best clinical practice includes good rest, good nutrient dense food, and respect. Respect is integral.
The farm was seized for $300 in back taxes, although I had mailed in that money, the checks were refused and returned, so the county could auction the farm. I hired and retained a lawyer to keep the farm, and it was sold out from me under his non-watching retained eyes, I still struggle in legal process to keep that family farm.
The short of the story is that miltary recruiters are now after my teen son. My teen son who requested yellow cake after I broke a story of (uranium) yellow cake whilst ghost writing for INN world report, while my younger brother was active duty in the O.I.L first wave push into Iraq, and while in order to protect my brother's life, I with rag-tag friends tried to end that war push based on lies by publishing truth from New York, that the grief after twin towers fell was not a cry for war.  We knew facts of this war push while being lied to about 9-11.  My father called me warning me not to sign my name on my journalistic taglines- as publishing with my last name could get my brother killed in the deadly friendly fire that is neither friendly, nor a joke.
We may never win, we will never stop resisting. I say this to anyone coming after me or my sons- I will not fight you- I will pray for your soul.  If you buy the lines of lies that sell this endless war, I pity you. The sun is shining on me today, and solar powered trees are giving me oxygen to breathe as I write this wee note. At peace in a world of endless war, I struggle to fend off military recruiters calling my home for my teen age son, may he live fine, may he live strong. May he find another way to pay for college, as his Uncle Dan has said the GI Bill bills the GI for the education- if lucky enough to survive.
I see Team Rubicon sending rescue missions out on multiple deployments in the US and out of country to address issues of climate- change and rising sea levels. Team Rubicon is highly skilled veterans and civilians working together in ways our government clusterfu*ks do not. If you have met my son- remind him that engineering in the civilian sector can be bad ass, fun, and you don't have to risk life, limbs, friends, or mental state to pay for college. Youth: apply for scholarships. War is not the answer. No matter the question, war is not the answer. Veterans, welcome home, we care.  The best way to respect your service is to stop sending young boys and girls in to the fray of wall street war for profit.

12 October 2016

Am wondering how often courts are open on Sundays during 3 day weekends to pass down judgements allowing pipelines. #DAPL.

03 October 2016

Akimel O'odham youth collective are running 10 miles in prayer to protect Moadag Thadiwa.
The mountain sacred to 4 nations is under threat of another road to be built on it. Indigenous lands and Indigenous People continue to be disrespected by racist policies in Arizona. Arizona itself is an O'odham word meaning many rivers.
For a little backstory, The Gila River reservation has been robbed of it's river water- as the Gila river itself was diverted from it's river banks to water settler fields generations ago, resulting in death by thirst of many Akimel O'odham People as their once verdant farmlands withered away without water.
This story is far from over, and will update.

01 September 2016

It has been over a month now that a little girl named Valentina has been separated from her loving daddy for his human rights work in getting cameras into refugee camps as the only method of recording the human rights abuses and tragic journeys brave refugees have been facing walking from a never ending war zone for the chance to stay alive for their children.  As a jewish man, he feels it his responsibility to document this ongoing genocide and the plight of the brave stead fast survivors.  This political activity is life affirming. To separate him from his child is a cruelty and must be immediately remedied. I have been calling law offices to remedy situation to no answers so far- we will never give up on human rights or the rights of a family to live together in peace.

24 August 2016

Media tech torn from family in airport due to political journalism

As I put my youngest son to sleep tonight, cherishing rare opportunity to see both my college kid and little kid with Grandma and time with our favorite cousins, I can not stop thinking of our friend Vlad separated by government beauracracy and harassment from his wife and baby girl at the airport on his way to care for his aging parents here in America.  His wife was held behind with their small daughter in Spain for their political advocacy for refugees in camps.  As good jewish people should- they are doing everything in their power to record refugee testimony in the camps as current genocide is again being waged against humanity.
Stay tuned as this story unfolds as we will be posting numbers and emails to call and write to pressure for the family reunification of our favorite media tech Vlad Teichberg with his wife and his little girl.

19 August 2016

Lawsuit: NYC Sludge sent to Decatur Alabama resulting in carcinogens in drinking water and Tennessee River

This story is under development, please stay tuned for updates.

A civil action was filed on the 17th August in Lawrence County, Alabama regarding carcinogens in Decatur, Alabama drinking water after NYS wastewater Sludge of human biosolids from sewer treatment had been spread by contractor Synagro in Mount Hope.

The data for the Alabama counties reflect only elevated lead levels among children reported tested. For instance, CDC’s numbers for Houston County show that 12 kids were tested in 2014 and seven cases were confirmed. That means 58 percent of kids tested have elevated levels, but it would be a tiny percentage of all kids in the community.  quote Mary Sell Decatur Daily

It is time to deploy to Baton Rouge, Louisiana for the flooding victims, Team Rubicon deploys tomorrow, stay tuned.

25 February 2016

Team Rubicon Team 4 heading to Pensacola Florida after Tornadoes flattened dwellings.

As the Gulf Coast was pummeled by a tornado flattening dwelling places, it is time to commend Team Rubicon a dedicated group of Veterans volunteering time and effort to protect us, through Recon, relief efforts and debris clearing Rescue and rebuilding efforts.  Team Rubicon does accept skilled volunteers, Veterans, EMT's, civilians with skills, below is a link to get started for the good here at home. When FEMA workers were standing around downtown Brooklyn trying to figure out wtf, Team Rubicon was out in the sand and wreckage of Far Rockaways, pulling serious recon, providing logistical help and putting rescue boots on the ground where it was needed.  If you have extra time, this a great group doing the real work.  If you have a few dollars to spare, they happily accept donations and put it directly to use mobilizing relief efforts.