
18 September 2012

Upcoming elections in Venezuela 7 October, 2012

The upcoming elections in Venezuela, slated for 7th October 2012 will be watched intently by election monitors worldwide. The Carter Foundation led by former President Jimmy Carter was in Venezuela to monitor the last election.

Coups have been threatened in the past, and promoted in the media, an issue to be closely watched in a democracy. As the season’s elections are approaching, the debates promise to be lively and interesting. Reports that the old regime is still controlling the media coming out of Venezuela, help one to understand why brilliant stories of vast quality of life improvements for the Indigenous and campesinos of Venezuela have gone largely under-reported. The vast improvements to living standards to the poor in forms of free healthcare by qualified doctors, improved access to food and basic nutrition, increased housing and basic sanitation as well as access to education for the youth of Venezuela are not reflected in the main stream media. We are building a media team to cover this election and train community members in Venezuela with modern forms of broadcast technology. There have been reports from both election camps of blocked broadcast transmissions.

We attempt to bring adequate news coverage to the global community during this important season of upcoming elections.